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Palmetto Select Training 10 Week Technical Program

Palmetto Select Training 10 Week Technical Program

“Exceptional soccer training with no travel required”

To: PDC/Travel boys and girls ages U8-U19 who wish to develop into a more complete player. Players from all area clubs are welcome.

From: Director’s RJ Bass (Bio), Vinnie De La Cueva (Bio) & Mario Benjamin (Bio) plus staff.

Where: Socastee Park 7485 Butler Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29576. Map

When: Tuesday Program: “Tuesdays Aug 15th - Oct 17th. 5:30 - 7:30” OR Friday Program: “Fridays August 18th - Oct 20th. 5:30 - 7:30” Players will be placed on Tuesday/Friday training days based on age, ability and technical testing results in order to foster an environment where EVERYONE experiences growth. 

What it is:  Advanced training for those looking to increase their physical, mental, and technical ability in an individual focus based setting.

What it is not: A babysitting service for players that do not want to be there.

Palmetto Select Training: will develop the body, mind, and soccer technique to create a more complete player. Strength Training, SAQ (Speed, Agility, & Quickness), Aerobic, and Anaerobic Fitness training, is developed into a program combined with Ball Mastery so that players are able to develop Functional Strength and hit peak levels of performance DURING season.
Goals of Functional Strength Training:
- Prepare joints, muscles, ligaments for intensity of season
- Strengthen stabilizer muscles
- Balance left and right side of the body
- Balance Flexor/extensor muscles
- Increase injury prevention
Players enrolled will be tested to track development
Testing will measure:
-Technical Ability
-Speed and Agility
-Movement on & off the ball
-Dribbling Technique
-1v1, 2v2, 3v3
-Principles of Defense
“In order to properly develop a player, the body, mind, and technique must ALL be trained. It’s only when all three areas are challenged that the Select can become Complete.”
Cost: $275.00.  Includes two sleeveless logo training tops.

How to Register: CLICK HERE to register (CLICK HERE for registration instructions). The first 50 registrants to pay in full, or their first installment are guaranteed placement in the program. 


Questions: Contact Rj Bass - Email: [email protected] Phone: 443-655-4118